So, I’ve been that girl, excited about my massage! Enjoying the whole experience, until the masseuse moves towards my head. What is she doing? No, no, no, don’t touch my hair! My weave! My tracks! Phew! She asks if she can massage my head, I say no politely and she moves on.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked various masseuses to leave my head out of the massage and boy, I was missing out!
These days, I let them, of course, I now wear my own hair exclusively most of the time. But I really wanted to remind you how powerful and therapeutic a head massage can be!
Benefits of Head Massage
1. Relieves Tension Headaches
By targeting the muscles in the scalp, neck, and shoulders, head massage can relieve tension and reduce the frequency and intensity of tension headaches.
2. Improves Circulation
Massaging the scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicles, which can promote healthier hair growth and enhance overall scalp health.
3. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Head massage helps to relax the mind by promoting the release of endorphins, which can alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. The gentle pressure on the scalp encourages a sense of calm.
4. Enhances Mental Clarity
The relaxation induced by a head massage can improve focus and concentration, helping to clear mental fog and boost cognitive function.
5. Alleviates Eye Strain
For those who spend long hours in front of screens, head massage can relieve eye strain by relaxing the surrounding muscles and improving circulation.
6. Encourages Hair Growth
Regular head massages can stimulate hair follicles, potentially leading to healthier hair over time.
I must however confess that I’m an old fashioned type of girl when it comes to head massages. I do not encourage my clients to use devices because I often worry that unless these devices have been developed with textured hair in mind, they can cause more problems than good—for example, exacerbating tangles. Unless they’re being used in a professional setting by someone who knows what they’re doing, I’m not a fan of at home dermarollers either, but that’s a blog for another day!
1 comment
I love a good head massage when getting a massage. I haven’t had one in ages. Best one was at the sanctuary spa – such a shame they closed down.