Protein In The Times Of CoronaVirus

Protein In The Times Of CoronaVirus

Protein in the times of Coronavirus

Most people eat just about enough protein to prevent deficiency, but a lot don’t eat enough for their hair to thrive! I emphasize this point on my hair course and most of those signed up are always surprised at how much I recommend for an average female, with moderate activity level.

Your hair is made up of mostly protein

Every single strand of hair on your head is 88-90% comprised of the protein keratin. Protein makes up 20% of your body. Hence, you need to get a healthy dose of protein from your daily diet to ensure hair growth. It continues to frustrate me that most naturals now understand the importance of protein treatments, but fail to appreciate the power of eating enough protein to truly strengthen hair from the inside out

How much protein should you be consuming?

The current advice is for sedentary females to eat 46 grams per day. BUT most experts believe this amount is ridiculously small. I would say pathetically small. 46 grams of protein may be enough to prevent downright deficiency, but it is certainly not sufficient for your body to thrive! You can’t tone your body on 46 grams of protein for example. And trust me, 46 grams of protein is not enough for your hair to thrive! Remember your hair is not an essential organ, therefore, the protein will go to the organs most in need first. Your hair gets the residue. 46 grams leaves nothing for your hair! If you want your hair to thrive you need to eat way more than 46 grams.

Now people always ask me how much protein? Well, it depends, on your age, gender, activity level and even what you are trying to achieve with your physique! I give specific guides to those on my hair course because we are in a relationship for 6 months and I can advise them to adjust up or down. Please note that those with some underlying health conditions like kidney issues can’t go super high on protein. Websites like have calculators that take your specific variables and give you a specific number.

Now every time I mention some people get jittery, don’t be, quite frankly bodybuilders are obsessed with protein because it is a key nutrient for gaining muscle strength and size. But it is also crucial for losing fat, and smashing hunger while dieting. I’m a case study myself; my hair grew rapidly and I was at my leanest physically (see pictures used) when I competed in a bodybuilding competition where I had to eat a lot of protein!!!! A lot of lean protein! Not suya!

Protein sources when chicken, beef, etc are a little scare

I’ve noticed that supermarkets are low on chicken, turkey, even lean beef - don’t despair though, there are some readily available choices in the fridge section!. And they are all lean protein (not high in fat). These sources are generally low in calorie, high in protein and will keep you fuller for longer.

Cottage cheese:

 is rich in protein, relatively low in fat, and high in calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin A. One cup or 226 grams of low fat (1% milkfat) cottage cheese provides 163 calories and

  • Protein: 28 grams

  • Carbs: 6.2 grams

  • Fat: 2.3 grams

  • Selenium: 37% of the RDI

  • Vitamin B12: 59% of the RDI

  • Riboflavin: 29% of the RDI

  • Calcium: 11% of the RDI

Greek Yogurt:

one of my favorite!!!!! It's naturally lower in sugar and higher in protein than regular yogurt. It has to contain several "live and active cultures" in the ingredients list to be considered Greek yogurt. This, in turn, ensures an adequate amount of probiotics, the gut-friendly bacteria linked to lowering your risk of chronic disease and boosting immune function. Finally, most Greek yogurts don’t contain added sugar - you can sweeten on your own with fruit, nuts, seeds. I use the brand Fage - it’s the best I’ve tasted.


Quark has long been used by dieters as an alternative to more fatty creams and yogurts and a source of healthy protein. It’s made from milk that has been altered by the addition of lactic acid. Quark is mild and creamy and is often likened to products like yogurt and cottage cheese. I think it is a little bit like a mix of both. It is mild, and neither sweet nor sour, like cottage cheese. Most Quark varieties contain no added salt or sugar and it’s therefore considered a healthier alternative to things like cottage cheese or yogurt. Quark also contains no rennet, which some other cheeses do, which means it’s vegetarian too.

In these times, don’t neglect your protein intake!

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