I have changed my mind

I have changed my mind

Some few months ago I said I was no longer going to share before and after pictures of those who sign up to the Ori lifestyle skin care course delivered by @that.geminigirl – a trained medical doctor and I (on nutrition). 

Motunde Ex Course members

I wanted to manage expectations and I did not want to intrude into people’s personal spaces . The course is not designed to cure anyone of severe skin issues eg severe acne or hyperpigmentation. For that we often refer to trusted and used clinics.

The course is designed to get people interested and knowledgeable about their own unique skin.

To improve its appearance, to turn their glow up, address dullness, minor acne, minor hyperpigmentation and really really give you the tools to enjoy and have better skin into your later years. AND crucially, guide you and hold your hand if you have no idea where to start on this journey!  

Motunrayo Ex Course members

We wanted and still want you to become active and well-informed consumers. Not consumers who buy anything and everything that comes on the market, and certainly not consumers who still wash their face with black soap and moisturise your face with shea butter or those who result to using lemon, apple cider vinegar and the likes on their face.

It is not an easy course where Bisi lists products and waves you on. It a 3 months programme that goes through cleansing properly, hydration, acids, benefits of peels and where to have them done – and yes Botox and fillers are all within scope etc. Depending on where your skin is, and how it responds, improvements is generally seen within 2 weeks of starting the course, right up till after the course ends and after.

There are no miracles and the course does not work unless you do. You are given the tools to devise your own regiment which Bisi assesses, she then makes adjustment and we monitor closely.

Answering your questions in the WhatsApp group daily is all part of what makes it personal and intense.  By the time you leave you will know which acids do what,  how to pair serums, and what to use when your skin changes with the seasons. If you have fundamental problems or issues, we refer you on to experts. I hope you can understand why I decidede this was therefore deeper than a “Tadaaa” before and after picture

However, a conversation with an ex course member made me realise that I may have made an error in not sharing before and after pictures. She shared her before and after pictures with me and I actually screamed. You must understand, I saw images of her a month after the course ended. She gave me permission to share these pictures and her testimonial and she added “People are visual they like to see”. In that moment I was reminded that I am not a visual learner as such. I like to read. I like explanations. I consulted Bisi on my dilemma of re-sharing before and after pictures …..can I please say here that Bisi agreed with me when I said no more before and after pictures. But guess what she said in her typical blunt manner “Any idiot can type anything”  I felt like saying “ so why didn’t you disagree with my decision to not share before and after pictures” but …..

So I have changed my mind. If people give us permission, I will share images and if people don’t I will share their testimonials. but it is important that you understand that results will come after your own diligence.

I believe it is a great course and we are improving it further. It is  priced extremely reasonably for the time and commitment we give for 3 months.  I hope to see you on the next course!! Knowledge is power.  Course starts on 4 October.

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